Airflow tutorial 2: Set up airflow environment with docker

1 minute read

We will learn how to set up airflow environment using Docker

The GitHub links for this tutorial

Airflow problem

  • open source software grows at an overwhelming pace

  • Airflow is built to integrate with all databases, system, cloud environments, …
    • Managing and maintaining all of the dependencies changes will be really difficult.
    • Takes lots of time to set up, and config Airflow env.
    • How to share development and production environments for all developers.

Docker overview

  • Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications.
  • Docker provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container. The isolation and security allow you to run many containers simultaneously on a given host, regardless of its operating system: Mac, Windows, PC, cloud, data center, …

  • Containers are lightweight because they don’t need the extra load of a hypervisor, but run directly within the host machine’s kernel. This means you can run more containers on a given hardware combination than if you were using virtual machines.

Benefits of using Docker

  • Docker is freeing us from the task of managing, maintaining all of the Airflow dependencies, and deployment.
  • Easy to share and deploy different versions and environments.
  • Keep track through Github tags and releases.
  • Ease of deployment from testing to production environment.

Airflow docker image

Fork and clone the below Github repo and follow the instruction to set up

  • airflow-tutorial:


Getting Started

  • Clone the repo
  • Install the prerequisites
  • Run the service
  • Check http://localhost:8080
  • Done!

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